Tuesday- 5th Grade

Today in the wonderful world of gifted, we did the normal things... every-day plexer puzzles and logic. Anyway we took a trip back in time to ancient Greece, That's right gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures galore! However we weren't admiring these interesting specimens! We were on a journey, a great, vast journey to figure out the Athenian Secret. To do this we had to solve complex math problems, no no no don't fall asleep!!!  Yes yes yes the problems were hard, and we had to do math. So we continued our quest, teams became more anxious... You see, to win, you had to fulfill many requirements, only fit for the worthy. You had to get the most drachmas, which was the currency back in Ancient Greece. That's right, folks! No credit cards! You also had to solve a secret message. So, anyways, there could only be one winner, one champion of these games. Only the best of the best should win, and that team wasssssssssss: PHI CUBE!!! YAYAYAY!  After that, heard the myth of Medusa  and we made a  Medusa mask.  Lastly,  so then we did Greek Mythology partner plays. Well, you see, it was just all about plays with a partner!!

 Today at Gifted we did things. However, this day was not like any other day. It was the day that every 5th grader loves and hates. It was Valentines Day! First of all, we did Scattergories. Yep, it's a big word. Basically, we wrote tiny little details about Valentines Day! Next up, we built a house of cards. No, not a house, like a house you live in. It's actually more like a structure than a house, but the professional name is indeed a "card house". Anyways, we were put on the spot, as we had to build a house in less than an hour. Now, this might seem very simple. This might seem very lovely, but trust me, these cards have got you fooled. It was hard. No, not hard, REALLY HARD. Even though a lot of teams failed, many succeeded as well. The "Card Crushers" won, with their 'house' standing at a whopping 21 inches tall! OK... you would think that that was enough for the day, but no. The school had even more plans for me and my fellow classmates. This time, though, it was actually fun. We made little monsters with yarn and and pipe cleaners. Other people preferred making some simple and sweet flower pens? Now, you might be asking,"HOW ON EARTH DID YOU MAKE A FLOWER PEN?!?" Well, my fine friend, I shall tell you. You see, it was pretty simple actually. We took a regular pen, then made the flowers with duct tape and put them on top of the...well...pens! Then we had lunch... mmmm... lunch. That's another story, however. Yes, I could make a whole story on lunch (I'm THAT talented). So after lunch, we played tic-tac-toe. Very simple, very simple indeed. So many simple things today, wasn't there? Anyways, enough distractions. This wasn't just any tic-tac-toe game, as instead of those mere X's and O's, we used M n' M's! Yay! Candy! Sweets! When the game was done, the two players shared the delicious game pieces! To top it off, we also got Valentines from several of our classmates. So, yeah, that was out day, how was yours?

We had an amazing trip to Tallahassee today! We went back in time to 1763 and visited the Mission San Luis. We also debated and voted on a bill at the Historic Capitol Building. Lastly, we visited the present day Florida Capitol Building.

We began our Making Ends Meet Unit. Students randomly drew jobs and families.  They made a Dream Sheet Budget. Then, they received their monthly paychecks and realized how they needed to change their Dream Budget. Students are paying mortgages, taxes, insurance, car payments, groceries, etc.  Next, week we work on a budget that will stay within their means (or monthly paycheck).

We started our Holiday Themed day off with logic and Christmas Hink Pinks! Next, we had our Holiday S.T.E.M. challenge. We needed to make an Elf Trap for Ernie the Evil Elf before he broke all the toys! Check them out below! After that, we created paper sewing of Christmas Trees, Snowmen, or Snowflakes. Happy Holidays to all!

We had an amazing day at Sally Corp., the Downtrown Monorail, and lunch at the Bridges Park! Check it out!!

Today was the first day that we came back to school from Hurricane Mathew. Hoping you guys stayed safe the whole time! Anyway, first thing we did was  our waker upper which was on a cool topic: ICE! After that, we did our logic which was actually pretty easy. Then, we solved our chess problem which was rook to H8. Next, we did our great states challenge, which was the northeast region, and that was the hardest one so far! Next week we have to do the whole USA!! So after that we did our last day of research, and we our now doing our writing!!! And then the final thing we did was do our national park, and that was so much fun!!! And that was the end of another fun day of gifted. Signing off for now!

This morning we did logic, again it challenged our minds as usual. The nifty fifty was mind boggling questions about signs. Chess was D4 (knight) to C2. All kids should have 40 cards of research on National parks. We also had to make our Research Outline and conference with Mrs. B.  We are still creating our own National Parks.  There many national parks we are creating such as Minecraft National Park, Oompa Loompa National Park, and Pokemon National Park.  We are creating logos, postcards, and describing the weather.  We have new states to memorize in the West Region. Remember them next Tuesday and earn sprinkles. ;)


Today we did logic, as usual, which was super hard, but we finally understood! Our waker upper was all about farming.  Next, we did our chess problem for the day. After that, we did our national park research as well. Students should have 30 cards or more. They also got to do research on national park websites. The students watched videos and read passages. For a break from research, we get to get in groups of three and create our own national parks. Then, we finished the day by Light Bulb lab.

As always, we started with our waker upper and logic problems.  We continued our National Park research and completing note cards. We should have 20 note cards by the end of today. After research, we finished our Pop Art Self-Portraits inspired by the artist Andy Warhol by adding watercolor. Check them out below!


We had a busy day here at Gifted! We started off with Logic. Then, we went to the library to begin research on our National Park Research Paper. We learned how to use an encyclopedia and take notes on notecards.  Some of us found books on our topic too! Others will need to go to the Public Library in order to find books on their topic of choice.  Ask your student if they have enough sources! After research, we learned about famous artist Andy Warhol and the PopArt movement. We made our own self-portrait ink drawings. Next, week we will watercolor them to make an "original" Andy Warhol like masterpiece!

    Today was very fun, at first we did logic and waker upper as usual. Then we chose topics for our independent research study, we had to chose a national park. We also practiced our great states challenge. We are working on the south region of the U.S.A.  Ask me what a Hinky Pinky is? We made a class book of them! Come to Open House next week to check it out! We had so much fun!!!

    Today on our second day of gifted we had so much fun!! We did a waker upper about stairs. It was challenging, fun, and very hilarious. The best part was how much answers you could have. Next, we did logic and once we finished the problem about swimming, we did a chess challenge we had to get a checkmate in one move.  Though it was hard for some, Ethan came up with the answer of  Rook to H,7. After we did that we all did a fun Olympic STEM challenge. We did a pole vault challenge and we used pipe cleaners and a bead. It was very complicated at first but, we were able to get some distances as scores sadly we weren't as good as the Olympic people themselves in the end it was very fun and me and my friends had a amazing time. Then, as the day went by we worked on our Agamograph, Lots of time was taken in the making of it, but in the end it was worth it. Only because they turned out very cool with the illusion of which side you were suppose to look at you would see something different. In the end we had lots of fun today and I am excited for more fun games and learning.

We had a great first day at Gifted! Mrs. Bergfeld introduced our Great States Challenge! See the details below! We practiced our State Capitals with a game of I have, Who Has. We also began our Patriotic Agamograph project! Ask your scholar to define Agamograph? We look forward to a great year!
Great States Challenge
Scholars, here is your challenge, should you choose to accept it: identify all 50 states on a map!  Each week we will review and practice a region of the United States and the following week you will be challenged to identify where each state is located. Each week you will earn one component toward your ice cream sundae.

Week 1- Week of September 12- The South – Bowl and Spoon: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee

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